What does a motivated seller sound like?

It’s got nothing to do with the property. It’s got to do with a seller that has time pressure and really needs to move along this week.
What does a motivated seller sound like?

The motivated seller always has a “situation”.

Your job will be to find those sellers with a “situation” which needs to be solved. Let me share some buzz phrases I encounter on a daily basis that spell M-O-T-I-V-A-T-E-D!

  • I just don’t know what I’m going to do with that house
  • The people living there are just a daily headache for
  • I can’t get them to move and they haven’t paid anything for the last six
  • The house has just too many repairs needed and I don’t have the money to fix it I guess the city will just tear it down because it’s condenmed, you know.
  • My father use to be in the real estate business and he passed I’m living three states away and there is no way I can see after that house.
  • We’re moving any way and if you think you can save the mortgage on it then tell me what’s in it for me?
  • I need to sell the house soon because I need money ..
  • I just can’t afford much longer to be making two house
  • I don’t have the money to make up the back Can you still buy the house even though it’s going to tax sale?
  • I didn’t even know I wanted to sell until I got your letter and I’m just tired of the
  • I saw where you buy houses in any Well, I have this house over in…
  • I just need something out of it and anything would be better than
  • This property we just want to sell and we are not interested in renting it out
  • How can you buy the house when the last two Realtors it was listed with didn’t even sell it?
  • I know you are an investor and have to make a profit so what are your thoughts on the house?
  • We just have to have some money quickly ..
  • That house used to be my mother’s and I just don’t have the time any more or money to fix it up like it needs to be so I can sell it.
  • I can’t be there watching over the place here in Florida and Ijust need to
  • We split up and neither one of us can afford the payments so I guess the bank will just have to take it back over.
  • I don’t know if you can help me because I’m behind on my payments but here is what I ..
  • This letter I got from you stated you buy properties in any What about if a tree has fallen through the house?
  • You may not want to look at this house because it’s had a lot of burn
  • I am 73 years old and am just tired of rentals but I like the cash I would be willing to do some owner financing for the right type of person.
  • I don’t need all my money now but something showing someone is serious would be
  • We never had the will probated but my brother, sister, and I would like to sell
  • Do you know how to get clear title and a way we could do this?
  • I am trying to get out of it what I’ve got in
  • I received your letter and you must be divine I just need to get this house out of my hair once and for good. Tell me what to do. Yes, J have received this type of response and yes, 1 usually drop what I’m doing and go meet the owner.

Let us know if we can help you find motivated sellers.  If you’re only talking to motivated sellers, you’re going to be writing a lot of deals. You do need to be able to “sift alot of calls” to find out who’s motivated and who is not.  But you’ll be making a lot of money if you are finding these motivated sellers.

Drop us a line.

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