5 Chief Mistakes Investors Make When Choosing A Coach in REI

Every successful person we know has a coach.

Robert Allen had Steve Covey.

Bill Gates has Warren Buffet.

Michael Jordan had Dean Smith and Phil Jackson.

A great coach can take an average person and make him a superstar.

A mentor can give you perspective, proficiency and patience. (Although that last one is earned and learned the most!) However, most investors make 5 huge mistakes when it comes to finding a coach and mentor.

Massive Mistake #1 – They Think They Can Get Something For Nothing – We can’t tell you how many investors have come to us and bragged about what a great deal they got on their coach. Like they went shopping at Walmart or something. Well, here is one thing we’ve found over the years, the best costs money.

You want a Rolex, then you are going to have to pay Rolex prices. If you are low on funds, then you need to find a way to get around your mentor. Work for him for pennies. Heck, work for him for free if you have to. Once a Newbie had a REI mentor, and he traveled with the person on his own dime to learn the secrets to his success. Time, money, travel, it didn’t matter, Matt knew it was going to be profitable. And boy was it ever! If the only way to be around the mentor you want is to pick up the dry cleaning, then go do it!

The next of the chief mistakes is picking mentors who have done nothing. It’s important to: Find Others who have been Helped To Success.

Sometimes this is done through testimonials. You may hear from other students that the mentor did something great for them. Whatever the case, make sure this person has a track record of lifting others up and not tearing them down.

It takes a true leader and a great coach to learn the skills of lifting others up.

Our next massive mistake is the investor – Consulting With Others Who Are Not Uncommon Achievers. This is kind of like getting legal advice from your cellmate in prison. Sure he may have read a bunch of legal books, but is he really a great attorney?? If you needed a great attorney, would you consult with Bob at the corner store who runs a gas station or would you seek out F. Lee Bailey? I constantly have to rework deals for students who decided to take advice from a free discussion page on the Internet. Make sure you check your source of information. Are they doing deals, do they know what they are talking about and finally do they have the proof to back it up?

Massive Mistake #4 – Not Trusting Your Coach – It is your choice to take the advice of your coach. But we can assure you by following the advice of your coach, time and time again, you will quickly reach you desired destination. Oh, if we could only count the times we thought we had a better idea and didn’t follow the advice of our mentor. Boy would we be in a better place in life now! You can be in a better place right now as well. Follow the advice of your coach. This will rapidly move you to success!

Finally, the Chief Mistake Investors Make When Hiring A Coach is, Thinking, They The Investor, Know It All And Don’t Need A Coach. Nobody ever goes without needing a coach. If that was the case, Michael Jordan could have won the remaining 5 World Championships without Phil Jackson. You never know it all. Each and every day, we read, grow and learn. We attend events to sharpen our skills. We see investors who have 30 years in the business still attending REI events.

Why? Because they know one little idea or change in their business can reap huge rewards.

Well, now you have the information you need to avoid making a huge mistake when choosing a coach. The question is… what are you going to do with it?